The machine spirit refers on to one or more of following literal warp spirit/simple signature in the warp/AI/the OS or firmware, and Tech priests do not necessarily make distinction between those. While decently knowledgeable on 40k I am far from expert, so there may be something I am unaware of that contradicts my following views on the machine spirit/prayers. They're not as utterly incompetent as some people have tried to portray them as, but yes, they definitely have some issues in that regard.

That said.yeah, the borg DO have some issues being tactically smart. I also pity anyone trying to fight the borg with lasers or gravity weapons, as those are two things star trek shielding is ridiculously effective against. The imperium widely fields lasguns because lasguns are a logistical godsend and the imperium has major logistical concerns the borg need merely have the raw materials, and they have quite a lot of ability to synthesize raw materials on their own, even with the zoo of "random things replicators can't make"-a zoo that is almost certainly smaller for the Borg than it is for the federation. The IOM has a metaphorical handful of equivalent devices, and lacks the ability to easily design new patterns for them, nevermind build more such devices it's why STC blueprints from ages are so valuable, with even a blueprint for a slightly better knife earning you a planet (or so I've heard), and why the IOM finally getting an intact STC constructor is generally considered a win condition.

The borg slap pattern replicators all over the place to fully automate some of their repair capacities. The borg use nanites for everything to the IOM, nanites are something rare. Warhammer Humanity took 10,000 or so years to really develop gellar fields after learning about the warp Federation sheilds are able to act as gellar fields and that's not even their primary purpose (as seen in Voyager: The Fight, in which voyager went into a place that's essentially the warp. If there's any IOM weaponry of that size that can do that, it's irreplaceable archeotech they can't build anymore. The mark 2 phaser, a small device that can be held in one hand, is a multitool that also can vaporize you, the guys next to you, and the building you're in if it's on a high enough setting, and Federation com badges have enough exotic stuff packed into them that they can be rejiggered into a shitty forcefield generator. Click to shrink.With the possible exception of raw firepower and a few specialties like warp rift munitions.yeah, very much so.